‘Age’ is always growing, and left behind a lot of memories. Thus here we are, am try to record every single golden moment in my short life journey with you all.


Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010

Show Me Your Desktop Contest by Anwar’s Blogshop


( My simple desktop picture.
Click the picture for bigger size)

This is all about Anwar's Blogshop contest which I come to know back few days ago from hafizmohd.com.

Actually, this is my first time take part in Anwar's Blogshop's contest.

Herewith, I have enclosed two pictures. The first picture is to draw my entitlement in the contest.

(Picture: Desktop picture. Simple yet easy)

Second picture, I just wanna to show the overall look of the picture. So you might have a clear picture instead.

This picture had been taken on October 2010 while celebrating Hari Raya back in my hometown; Kampug Sri Lukut, Kahang, Kluang, Johor.

I love so much this picture. It is represent a tranquil, serene and harmonies atmospheres. So every times I wanna begin to do my 'stressful works' on the lappy, once I saw the desktop picture, all sort of 'burden'' and 'stress' will immediately sweep away.

Thus, it has created a stated of reliefs, calms and readiness to do the works. Sometimes it's inspired me and drew some ideas. hehehe

The picture remind me about my passed live in kampung. My childhood was full of colors; lough and tear in warm cuddle of family. Some how it has motivated me to work hard toward excellence and being focus all the time.

Meanwhile, I kind of persons who love a simple things but effective and meaningful. So I guess the picture has deliver what I meant, especially picturing about myself.

I love to use Mozilla Firefox because I think it is really convenient and can operates almost all of web page especially to upload and download feature from the webs. Top of all, it's really convenient while writing an entry and upload pictures in the blog. hehehe

Usually, I use Acer Arcade Deluxe and Cyberlink to see movie.

I hope this blog will be accepted by Bro Anwar to participate his contest. huhuhu


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