‘Age’ is always growing, and left behind a lot of memories. Thus here we are, am try to record every single golden moment in my short life journey with you all.


Khamis, 6 Januari 2011

The Result and The Winner! Show me your dekstop contest...

Perhaps most of you have noticed that I was participated in Anwar's Blogshop contest on last December 2010. The contest was called SHOW ME YOUR DESKTOP CONTEST BY ANWAR'S BLOGSHOP.

The challenges were to show his/her own desktop picture on his/her blog and write about it in concisely. For further details pertaining the contest, please find it over here.

This time I placed my bamboo lantern picture.


You may find my participation entry in here.

The contest's result have been announced by the organizer on today's afternoon.

So, the result is (Drum rolls please.. hehehe)... I & zikrihusaini.com have won for our-self the consolation prizes. Thanks bro Anwar for choosing me, really appreciate it.

The real winner of this contest was given to shahrulsite.net. (Congratulation bro!)

Further detail please visit Anwar's Blogshop at here.

For guys out there who were always supporting me, I really appreciate it and thank you very much! hehehehhe.. kebamboooommm

Last but not least...selamat malam Jumaat ya kengkawan.... wink! wink! wink!


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